Why we believe in learning through play...
/Please read this article from Slate Magazine. It is a good simple look at what benefits children experience in child-directed learning through play.
On toilet paper
/Many of you may have experienced the joy of allowing children to unroll and frolic in a roll of toilet paper. Well, although it is not an idea original to us, we make it the habit of periodically presenting the children with OODLES of toilet paper. What could be more fun?! Although the pictures are blurry (children in vigorous action), and although the camera was only present for a few brief moments of the TP fun, the pictures below should give you a tiny glimpse of the joy to be had unrolling toilet paper.
PVC pipes were hung by rope from the ceiling. Twenty rolls of toilet paper then slipped onto the PVC pipes provided much unravelling fun.
Bundles of toilet paper are carried all over the school.
Just imagine...all that can be played using toilet paper. A blindfold (above). A landing pad for jumping into. Wrap for a mummy. As children will show you...the ideas are endless.
In our school, the toilet paper remains in use for several days. Sometimes it is even turned into other things, such as clay. At home, just pull out a roll or two, hand it to your child, and see what is to come.
Upcoming School tours
/Two tours are being offered for families to take a peek at our program. We are open to visitors Saturday, March 5th at 10:00am and Monday, March 7th at 5:30pm. Please contact us with questions about our program and to reserve your tour space.
Please see our new School Tour page for more current tour dates.
Developing Character in little ones
/In addressing the improvements needed in character education, Alfie Kohn says,
As examples of what to add, we might suggest holding regular class meetings in which students can share, plan, decide, and reflect together. We might also provide children with explicit opportunities to practice "perspective taking"-that is, imagining how the world looks from someone else's point of view. Activities that promote an understanding of how others think and feel, that support the impulse to reach imaginatively beyond the self, can provide the same benefits realized by holding democratic meetings- namely, helping students to become more ethical and compassionate while simultaneously fostering intellectual growth.
We may indeed feel redundant in our reminders to children to exhibit greater "ethical and compassionate" behaviors. This monotonous repetition is not due to the fact that children aren't listening, but rather the fact that they are simply at a place where the ability to empathize is currently under development. We need to maintain our patience with children when their behavior exhibits that lack of empathy. Our role is simply to guide them by modeling empathy and providing opportunities for their growth and development in that area. If we lose our patience, we risk demolishing the very thing we are attempting to build. Our impatience displays lack of empathy for the child we are intending to guide. So, parents, when you weary of correcting your preschooler's behavior, please slow down. Take a deep breath and strive for "ethical and compassionate" behaviors in yourself. Your watching child will learn from your example. Just remember...the empathetic child we desire is developing.
Just a thought...
/Teachers and schools tend to mistake good behavior for good character. What they prize is docility, suggestibility; the child who will do what he is told; or even better, the child who will do what is wanted without even having to be told. They value most in children what children least value in themselves. Small wonder that their effort to build character is such a failure; they don't know it when they see it.
-John Holt, How Children Fail
Thank you for our forest!
/Do you remember, as a child, running through the woods...hiding in the bushes...creating forts in the "wild"?
Today, after rolling tires into the shelter of our little temporary forest, the children spent nearly an hour in a child-initiated story time, seated on those same tires. I wish I'd snapped a picture of that time, but here are a few pics that will give you a feel for the mini forest.
So, honestly...THANK YOU for making this little forest happen for us!
On preschoolers and sharing
/-"Hey ________, I don't want you to take that from me. I'm still using it."
-"Hey ________, I don't want your hands on me."
-"Hey ________, I want to use that when you're through."
These are examples of how we teach the children in our school to navigate the potentially tricky social situations commonly faced by preschoolers. I find myself amazed daily at how much children are willing to share when not forced to do so.
Please enjoy the following exerpt from a piece entitled What Children Can and Cannot Do (source Daniel J Hodgins). Perhaps it will shed light on our philosophy in this regard.
A construction project recently shared by four two-year olds, two three year olds, a four year old and a five year old- entirely child initiated and directed
Christmas ornaments
/Children from most schools come home in the weeks before Christmas with an "ornament" made at school. In the past, our school has not done such a thing. This year, however, one of the school parents communicated a request for one thing...an ornament. "I don't care what it looks like," she said. She just wanted something she could hang and call an ornament. And I was presented with a SERIOUS challenge!
The ornaments "made" by those children I referred to above, from most schools, go very much against the philosophy of our school. Typically, a model is made, and children are given just enough supplies to make their ornament just the same way as the model. We will not do that. So I was left trying to figure out what on earth I could put before the children that would be self-explanitory to the children, and would inspire their creativity.
This is what we came up with...
Christmas tree
Each year, one of the greatest joys for the children at our school is decorating the Christmas tree. My husband and I set up the tree and string the lights. Then the children are set loose to decorate the tree themselves. Below are a few pictures to show how it's done. Yes, the final product ends up being a bit bottom-heavy on the decorations, but the children are proud. They LOVE it!
Art we've done
/Art is quite central to our school philosophy. All art is performed solely by the children, with no models of the art for them to attempt to copy. This leaves room for the children to develop their own creativity.
Our adult reaction to their art is subdued. We purposely choose not to "praise" their art, lest they walk away believing the key to a "successful" piece of art is exactly what they have just done. Often when children are given praise, they actually can become stifled by then limiting their expectations of their own creativity (more on praise in a later post).
Our art is very product driven. The process of the children experiencing the creativity is the focus. Much of it is done cooperatively (as seen in several of the pictures below). Often our art pieces are BIG. The kids love it! What a wonderful thing to watch them experiment with color and texture through art in various forms.
So, here is a little glimpse into some of the variety of art we've done in our school. May these photos inspire your inner child to create!
Painting suspended paper-covered balls-below are pictures of three of the children captured while they are painting the suspended balls
Texture board step one
Texture board step two
Fence painting
Spinning body art
Spritz painting
Color swinging
Bubble painting- the process
Bubble painting- the product
Car painting
Foot sponge painting
Roll-a-ball painting
Playacting- (dramatic play)
One particular two-year old in our school frequently roams the school wearing the eye-patch of a pirate shouting to others, "Aarrr matey!" Today, she surprised us all by mixing it up a bit. Sporting a lion costume, she ran into the room, took one giant leap with a wide-stance landing and exclaimed, "Aarrr cock-a-doodle-moose!"
Aaaah...the power of dramatic play!
Playacting- a piece from The Power of Play by David Elkind, Ph.D.
Children's playacting is a direct descendant of therapeutic play, in which the child sees the imaginary child and the self as entirely separate. But in playacting, the child accepts the fact that she is playing a different role. Play becomes another way in which children further their undertanding of rules and the concept that one thing can be two things at the same time. While my wife and I were having lunch at an outdoor restaurant, we observed a good example of playacting. A child at the next table got up, put a napkin on his arm, and approached his parents to take their order. The was not practicing to be a waiter anymore than a child playing doctor is practicing to be a doctor. The child has little or no awareness of what skills are required to be a waiter or doctor. In playacting, the child is taking the role with all the authority and prerogatives of the adult, and this is its true meaning. He understands that you can play at being an adult while remaining a child. As parents we should encourage and support this kind of healthy dramatic play. Here are some suggestions from gifted Educator Ruth Almon for facilitating children's dramatic play.
Thus the playing of parts is very important, and it is up to us to support and to facilitate this. Let us accordingly always give something to our children or our grandchildren for their "theatre trunk" or "dressing up drawer." A discarded lace dress, an old top hat, a piece of beautiful red material for a royal cloak (or superhero cape), a piece of gold lame, some cord and that old blue curtain, cast off costume jewelry- let us be ready at any time to cater for further props: a knight's breastplate can be made from old cardboard boxes with a stapler; a nurse's cap may be needed when the dolls have fallen ill, or even if one is allowed to take the odd thing to Father when he is ill-for a nurse such service is her raison d'etre, whereas a little daughter can become tired of it.
Also on reading
/Check out Mem Fox's book Reading Magic. She makes so clear how we as parents can foster early literacy without "teaching" academics. It's amazing to watch little minds grow on their own when only given the opportunity and appropriate manor of direction.
Your Child and Reading
Reading to your child is is one of the first and most important literacy activities of your child's life. I often take the approach with my own children of simply reading anything and everything that interests them. I can not tell you how many times I have read, for example, non-fiction books that would seem seriously boring to me, only to have my children enjoy them. You may find yourself in a situation where your child brings you a book that does not seem at all of interest to you. In that moment, just stop...take a serious look at the book. Sometimes, if you just begin reading, you may be amazed at what your child can comprehend and enjoy. If you begin reading and they are obviously not interested, just move on to another book you believe may be more interesting. Also, don't forget that reading is everywhere. Point out to your child signs, menus, lists, etc. as you wander through your day. This provides for your child real life meaning in regards to literacy. As far as selecting books for/with your children, I have below an excellent piece written by Bev Bos (one of my favorite educators). Please read and enjoy! Children's Books |
by Bev Bos |
In all the years I've been teaching, I've never seen a time when there were more good children's books available. I am especially encouraged by the diversity in today's books, socially, culturally, and ethnically. I have a list of books that I have used as resource books with success and books that I have read and reread to the children at school and my grandchildren. They are books I am passionate about and will still enjoy in ten years. But to keep the joy of teaching alive for myself and the wonder of learning alive for my kids, I am always on the lookout for that brand new book I can bring in on Monday morning. Our school library shelf is a combination of these two types of books - old loved standards and exciting new discoveries. I am often asked why I choose the books I do. While some have suggested I have developed a strong intuitive sense, I prefer to think that I have simply learned from experience. After reading books to young children for more than thirty years, a good book has to meet a certain criteria for me: . Is it meaningful to the children, something they can make sense of? Does it help them make sense of their world without being condescending? Does it encourage conversations connected to their lives or imagination? . Is it humorous? Does it promote gales of laughter or heighten a child's sense of fun? Is it, in other words, irresistible? . Are the illustrations visually pleasing and not overwhelming? . Does the book encourage children to interact positively? If it doesn't create conversations by the first page, put it away and get another book. . Does the story help children toward self-identification or reinforce their self-concept positively? . Are there opportunities to create - to expand on the story? . Is it "preachy", "teachy" or "cutesy". If so, you are better off without it. My philosophy is that books do not belong in the library or just on the bookshelf at home. Kids should have easy access to books all the time. At home, they should be under the pillows, stacked by the bed, in every nook and cranny. Every bathroom should have not only the newspaper but children's books, too. They should be in the car. At school, we make sure the books are within easy reach of the children. Books and words need to be as familiar to children as the food they eat, the music they hear and the art they do. If we want our children to become literate then we must do everything we can to make them comfortable with books and language. Sometimes we just don't know where to start. Let me give you a few ideas. One of the authors I dearly love for young children is Bob Munsch. His books are inexpensive, humorous and developmentally appropriate. He is not only a great storyteller and author but he also teaches child development - he knows children. One of his all-time greats is I Have to Go! Yes, it is about going potty and peeing. It is amazing to me that some people are offended by this book when, in fact, most people pee every day . . . and people with children know how it goes. Children never have to pee when you ask them, never when it's convenient. It's popular with preschoolers because they are so close to this major event in their lives. It gives them an excellent opportunity to talk and discuss this important personal experience. Another Bob Munsch great is, Purple, Green and Yellow. It is about a little girl and her experience with felt pens. When I read this book I wish I were a child again. We didn't have felt pens when I was a child and I can only imagine the joy and delight of drawing and painting on your body. I am concerned about parents not allowing children the freedom to draw on themselves. Is it a double standard when on the one hand we tell them "It's your body - don't let someone else touch you.", but then deny them that sense of ownership by not letting them draw on themselves? I appreciate Bob Munsch's constant reminders of the joys of childhood. Another of my favorite authors is Mem Fox. She also understands children and is a powerful writer. One of her best is Wilfred Gordon MacDonald Partridge. It is the story of a young boy caring for an old person. It's my favorite book for helping children understand that when we get old, we still have the same human needs. Young children have difficulty understanding the past and growing old. This book provides the opportunity for understanding and suggests to children how much we can learn from older people. One of my grandchildren has four names because his mother loves this book so much. Mem has also written an adult book, Radical Reflections, which helps adults understand the reading process and how children really learn to read. It's one of the very best written in the last ten years - a powerful book. From her autobiography, Dear Mem Fox, I Have Read All Your Books, Even the Pathetic Ones, comes her criteria for what makes a "good" children.s picture book; "I'm thrilled when other adults suddenly howl at the end of the book. It makes me dare to think it might be a "good" book, because good books have as much to do with the affect they have on the reader as with any other criterion. If we don't laugh, gasp, block our ears, sigh, vomit, giggle, curl our toes, empathize, sympathize, feel pain, weep, or shiver during the reading of a picture book, then surely the writer has wasted our time, our money, and our precious, precious trees." An adult book I especially treasure is Christopher deVinck's, Only the Heart Knows Where to Find Them: Precious Memories of a Faithless Time. "Memory is the sea - what is constant in our lives." This book is a collection of memories from Christopher deVinck's life. A book to be cherished, read and reread as a reminder of how important classroom memories can be. Before I start the day, I stop and reflect for just a moment about establishing an environment where kids will get the memories that will sustain them for the rest of their lives. It helps me focus on a truly childcentered approach to teaching. This book makes me look at life differently. Above all else, teachers and parents need to be readers. Children need to see us deeply involved in books. They need to see us crying, even sobbing, over books. They need to see us reading and laughing. They need to see that we are interested in a variety of reading material. We need to read aloud to each other - passages from books, essays, poetry and letters from friends. If children can get from us a sense of passion and wonder about words, stories, books, they will want to read themselves. |
/Imagine a piece of art you love. Odds are what you are picturing is something that is an original masterpiece created with the imagination of an individual. It is NOT likely you are imagining something that someone created in an attempt to copy another's work.
The criteria we use for selecting our art (and science) activities is very simple. It's got to be something that causes the children to explore or reexplore a unique experience. The activities we do are also based around a process your child goes through as opposed to a product he or she creates.
Our goal in our art is to supply the children with an opportunity to explore and interact with various colors, textures, etc. Our goal is NOT to create a model and ask your child to replicate that model. We do not believe that is art, but craft. It can be stifling and perhaps even discouraging to children, as they may not desire to mimick the model and may not be capable of achieving the mimick of the model to their desired perfection. Our goal is to build confidence in children by simply allowing them to create as they wish and to expand their understanding of colors and materials through their exploration.
Because of our process-oriented view, you've quite possibly seen more paint come home on hair, clothing, and skin than you have on paper. Children are notorious for doing "too much". Many of their products begin by looking "beautiful" and then they just keep going...by the time the art is finished, the product is not something that is even salvageable. This is alright, because again...the process is what matters here...not the product.
An activity from today...
"Rainbow" crayon making-
- stock up on the broken pieces of crayons you find, rather than throwing them away
- Set the oven to pre-heat to 350 degrees. Peel the paper off the crayons. Allow the children to put a fun mixture of colors of the crayon pieces into each of the cups in a muffin tin. Place tin in oven and turn oven off. Watch for crayons to be melted.
- Place immediately in freezer for about 30-40 minutes (or until solid). Crayons will pop out of muffin tin when turned over onto a soft surface (so they don't break).
- Wait until crayons are at room temperature to use for coloring.
When we did this today, Kira facilitated a thought-provoking conversation about what would happen to the crayons when they were in the oven...would they get harder, softer, bigger, smaller, etc?
NOTE: I provided the details of this activity because I thought it might be something fun you could do with your children at home.
IDEA: When your child presents you a piece of art he or she has made, try a simple, "I see" or "Oh" (in positive tone) as opposed to what can be our instinct of simply saying, "it's beautiful" or "I love it". You may be surprised. Generally, children say to us "mommy, daddy, look!" in order for their art to be seen. They are not, however, asking for our opinion on it. Providing our opinion only encourages them to aim for the art that pleases us, rather than the art that their hearts desire to create. Please allow your child the opportunity to come up with his or her own opinion about the art that's been created!