“Research has consistently shown classrooms that offer children the opportunities to engage in play-based and child-centered learning activities help children grow academically, socially, and emotionally.”
A place where childhood is rich and authentic…
...a place where children can follow their natural drive to grow and learn about themselves and the world around them
...a place where children are permitted to follow their creative and imaginative instincts
...a place where children are given time and support to develop their own problem solving skills
...a place where children are trusted to refine their personal risk assessment skills
...a place where each child is accepted and loved for precisely who they are
...a place for a child to be a child.
“If it hasn’t been in the hand, the body, or the heart it can not be in the brain.”
Bloom Children’s Center is developed around the understanding that children learn through play experience. Research and experience have shown that play is what is most developmentally appropriate and crucial for success in learning in young children.
Our school community serves as a safe and secure environment for children to develop a sense of wonder and belonging. We desire for children to enter our space with curiosity and confidence, enabling them to act creatively and independently in play experiences. We strive to maintain an environment conducive to uninhibited play.
In accordance with our foundational belief in play as self-directed learning, we consciously choose to prioritize play and exploration as opposed to direct academic instruction.
“In play, a child is always above his average age, above his daily behavior; in play, it is as though he were a head taller than himself.”